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Showing posts from 2020

How to use Interproximal Scan

  Do you think your scanner is scanning the interproximal area well? It could be your misunderstanding.                        Edwin will tell you today about the big difference                   between Hole-filling data and Interproximal Scan data.                 Let's meet him in the "How to use Interproximal Scan" video.                          <Click the below image to watch the video>

What are essentials for your lab?

  Please share your essentials in your lab. For me, EDGE is the essential model scanner. #Edge   #essential   #digitaldentistry

What is the Partial Matching? For a wax-up pattern on an implant abutment case, the implant substructure has to be matched with very limited data. DOF ScanApp's new feature, "Partial Matching" solves this problem. #EdwinCADCAMClass #ScanApp #PartialMatching

DOF's Reverse Milling

  CRAFT 5X mills a pre-milled abutment by “Reverse Milling” method. Since “Reverse Milling” is a 5-axis milling, all problems of a 4-axis milling have been solved. It is possible to mill not only occlusal areas, but also undercut areas. This is why you want CRAFT 5X! #CRAFT5X #AllinOne #ReverseMilling

Leading the Digital Dental Market on Arirang TV K-BIZ

  Check out DOF's broadcasting on Arirang TV :D <Click the above picture to watch the video> #DOF #ArirangTV #digitaldentistry

Swing is dedicated to dental artists🌹

  Swing is dedicated to dental artists🌹 #uniquedesign #dentalscanner #Swing

The All-in-One Milling Machine, CRAFT 5X

<Click the above image to watch the video> Everything is possible in one machine! If you have any questions, please contact on Visit our website  

ScanApp v2.5.560 has released!

ScanApp v2.5.560 has released. DOF is constantly working to improve ScanApp and check out the latest ScanApp updates here

ScanApp Recovery Folder

Don't worry about the scan data when your PC is suddenly turned off. Even it the program is suddenly turned off  due to a power outage or other accidents, the scan data is automatically saved. You can change the storage path and storage capacity at the setting. If you have any questions, please contact on Visit our website for further information

One Step Milling

Do you know about One Step Milling? All you need is DOF’s milling machine CRAFT 5X  to mill the crown and abutment at once. You don’t need to scan the abutment anymore. Let’s check it out in the video. <Click the below image to watch the video>

MotionApp’s Special Feature – "RUN FROM"

  Starting steps can be adjusted by only clicking the button once. When an error occurs during milling and has to restart again, it is possible to start automatically from the desired position without modification of the NC file.

Scan maxillofacial prostheses with Freedom scanners now.

Have you ever scanned a face stone model? Freedom scanners can scan maxillofacial prostheses as well.  

ScanApp's V. A. Set-up and exocad's virtual articulator

Set the occlusal plane easily with DOF's ScanApp.

How to mill a small inlay without connectors!

Do you know how to mill a small inlay without connectors? Let's find out the answer today in Edwin’s CAD/CAM CLASS. <Click the below image to watch the video> If you have any questions, please contact on Visit our website ​

This is why you need SNAP

What's different?

  Let the camera move.

CRAFT 5X and Edge at E-pyeonhan Dental Lab in Cheongju Korea

DOF is glad to introduce our new user Mr. Hong of E-pyeonhan Dental Lab in Cheongju Korea. The new milling machine CRAFT 5X and the compact scanner Edge are now available at his lab. We hope to lead the transition of dental industry into digital dentistry together. Visit our website -  

One Fine Day with CRAFT 5X

  <Click the above image to watch the video> It was a fine day to install DOF's milling machine, CRAFT 5X. If you have any questions, please contact on Visit our website 

DOF SNAP Interview with Dr. Chang-Woo Woo

  During the interview, Dr. Woo mentions the reasons why he wants to use SNAP and why he needs face scan data. Here's Dr. Woo's interview with DOF's SNAP, which has been updated with the launch of MatchApp. Visit our website -

Sneak Peek of DOF's Virtual Booth @exocad Insights 2020

  Here's a sneak peek of DOF's virtual booth at exocad Insights 2020. Don't forget to join our partner sessions as well. We have clinical case studies and live demos using the face scanner, SNAP and the launch show of DOF's brand new products. Visit our website - More info for the event -

DOF will participate as a Platinum partner for exocad Insights 2020 in Darmstadt, Germany from September 21 to 22.

 DOF will participate as a Platinum partner for exocad Insights 2020 in Darmstadt, Germany from September 21 to 22. This is a hybrid event, so you can also join the "DOF's Future Digital Dentistry" show online. DOF will have lectures and live demos using DOF's face scanner SNAP and exocad by Dr. Chang-Woo Woo, the head of the dental lab at Yonsei University Dental Hospital. The topics of the lectures are going to be "How to Upgrade Your Design" and "How to Make Beautiful Teeth". Also, don't miss the launch show of DOF’s brand new products at the last session.

SNAP it all! Match it all!

  SNAP it all! Match it all! Our new program, "MatchingApp" has been just launched! You can match data from any scanner you have with our face scanner SNAP now. If you'd like to find out more, don't hesitate to contact us Visit our website -

Partial Denture Interview with Mr. Gwang-Woo Jang(Baron Dental Lab)

 "There are many cases where it is possible with digital work, but otherwise extremely difficult with the traditional method. If I take the adaptability of the lateral part of the bar attachment as an example, the digital process has a huge advantage over analog. It is a simple task, but much better-expressed digitally." -Excerpts from the interview of Mr.Gwang-Woo Jang(DOF Partial Denture Seminar Speaker) Click on the picture below to see the interview. If you have any questions, please contact on Visit our website -

DOF's "Save articulator scan data" feature is available to utilize the waxrim.

  A waxrim is for obtaining bite information of edentulous patients or patients with fewer teeth. DOF's "Save articulator scan data" feature is available to utilize the waxrim. If you have any questions, please contact on Visit our website -

Opening New Office @ North America

  DOF, Inc. takes great pleasure in announcing the expansion of their footprint with the opening of a new branch office in North America, as under DOF Lab USA, Inc. Location: California, USA Date: September 2020 Mail: DOF, Inc. has an active and growing customer base, which serves as a testament to our passion and to our customers. Performance, quality, and reliability are our number one priority to develop long-term partnerships with our distributors and customers worldwide. With this expansion, we will be able to respond to the growing needs of our customers and provide faster response time across North America. The opening of our new branch office demonstrates our commitment to client service and satisfaction. We very much look forward to your continued support and business! For further information about our wide spectrum of products and dealership opportunity inquiries, please visit our website  or e-mail us at

"The EDGE of Tomorrow"

"The EDGE of Tomorrow" EDGE is a smart 3D scanner  that could support all the features you need  to create a prosthesis with competitive price. If you have any questions, please contact on Visit our website -

DOF held a seminar on 'Digital Workflow with Face Scan' last weekend.

Last weekend, there was a seminar at DOF Gangnam Training Center by Chang-Woo Woo, the president of the Korean Academy of Dental Technology. The topic of the seminar was 'Digital Workflow with Face Scan' which explored the use of 3D face scan data for aesthetic prosthesis design. Participants designed and created prostheses with 3D face data from DOF's SNAP. Also, they actively participated in the seminar by exchanging various opinions with Dr. Chang-Woo Woo.