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Showing posts from October, 2020

What's different?

  Let the camera move.

CRAFT 5X and Edge at E-pyeonhan Dental Lab in Cheongju Korea

DOF is glad to introduce our new user Mr. Hong of E-pyeonhan Dental Lab in Cheongju Korea. The new milling machine CRAFT 5X and the compact scanner Edge are now available at his lab. We hope to lead the transition of dental industry into digital dentistry together. Visit our website -  

One Fine Day with CRAFT 5X

  <Click the above image to watch the video> It was a fine day to install DOF's milling machine, CRAFT 5X. If you have any questions, please contact on Visit our website 

DOF SNAP Interview with Dr. Chang-Woo Woo

  During the interview, Dr. Woo mentions the reasons why he wants to use SNAP and why he needs face scan data. Here's Dr. Woo's interview with DOF's SNAP, which has been updated with the launch of MatchApp. Visit our website -